NEW request added:
Sign up each month that you'd like to participate.
NEW request added:
Sign up each month that you'd like to participate.
- Show off your participation by grabbing our RAK button :)
- Create a wish list (on Amazon, Goodreads, or your blog etc) and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.
- If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, check out their wish list and contact that blogger for their address.
- *NEW* Please, once you receive a RAK, email or tweet me {Vanessa} so that I can update the Google doc. There are a lot of requests for this!
- *NEW* E-book participation is limited to files being gifted directly to a person from the e-book store. Amazon's Kindle Store is set up to allow this, as well as the Kobo store and we believe Barnes & Noble as well.
- At the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K! Make a post saying 'Thank You' to whoever granted one of your wishes and share it with us :)
Let's keep our International bloggers in mind and in our hearts.
Remember, there's always the Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!
Easy peezy!!
My Wish List Top 5 Choices (in no particular order)
1. Bloodlines Richelle Mead
2. Blood Red Road Moira Young
3. Beauty Queens Libba Bray
4. Anna and the French Kiss Stephanie Perkins
5. Demon Glass Rachel Hawkins
You can find my full wish list HERE
I accept used books and I do have an eReader but I prefer physical copies. If you think I'd like something that isn't mentioned on my wish list send it on over, I love surprises.
I like returning the favor so make sure you leave me your name and blog (if applicable) or link to wishlist so I can do a shout out and get a goody off your wishlist.
A big thanks to Vanessa and Isalys over at Book Soulamates for hosting this again :)
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Thank you! For commenting. I love, LOVE, comments and I usually respond (as soon as I can)
Please note: Owl Love You Books is an award-free zone. I am very flattered, but comments are all the thanks I need.
Thanks for stopping by and saying HI