Review Policy & Contact Info


Lacedwithlacey26 (at) gmail (dot) com



At Owl Love You Books, I tend to favor a few select genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Historical Fiction and Romance. With that said my sub genres: paranormal romance, urban fantasy, steampunk, dystopian, adventure and high-epic fantasy,
Take a gander around my blog if it looks like your book will fit, then hold onto your hats and send it on over! J

I can read epubs, I do own a Sony eReader. 
Of course physical copies of books are always welcomed. I love spreading good lit. around so I can host a giveaway, who doesn’t love getting little packages in the mail? I know I sure do. 
If you need my physical address please email and I will provide you with the details.


I work full time and currently am attending college but I am passionate about reading so it’s a top priority right up there with sleeping and eating. I usually like to give myself one to two weeks for reading and posting a review. It will most likely be much shorter than that but you know how life can take sudden and unexpected turns. Girl has to be prepared and have her bases covered (hopefully those base covers are sparkly and purple) If you have a specific time in mind let me know and we can work something out. I am flexible.

My reviews normally consist of me summarizing the book; I do not give away spoilers.  I like to add my own twist to the summary. I will use your blurs. I will rate the book between 1 and 5.

5- A must read, I was enthralled and swept up into the world of said book.
 4- Wonderful, very pleasurable.
 3- Good story, would recommend to other readers.
 2- Not my taste but someone else may enjoy it.
1-    1-Ouch. Not worth the pain.
I’ve never rated a 1 or 2 but if I do I will not be writing a review.  I am accepting your book in exchange for a fair and honest review.  If I can't get through the book, I reserve the right to not finish it and not review it.  I will, of course, let you know that is the case.

Please let me know if there is a book trailer available for your book or cover art if it's not on goodreads.  I don't like to post without some type of picture.  I also post my review on goodreads.  If I rate it 5 stars I will automatically post to Amazon as well.  If you request, I can post other rating to Amazon as well.

Contact Me:

I typically respond to emails within 48 hours.

Thank you for your interest in my blog and I wish you the best in your writing endeavors. 


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